Saturday, October 11, 2008

My Buckeyes

I haven't been able to watch a Buckeye game in weeks. It's really starting to get annoying. Not that this is new or anything. I mean, it was the same situation last year and the year before that. I just hardly ever get to see the games, especially since I'm out in Utah every football season. I always have to read the play-by-play. I just wish I could see my Buckeyes play. Oh well. I guess we can't have everything. They're playing Purdue today and are winning thus far. Purdue's not even ranked though. People are always ragging on Ohio State, but why? Some people say we're overrated. Umm.... are you ever gonna have a football season where everything is "the way it should be"? I think not. Of course, I also don't believe the Buckeyes are overrated. I think we are a dang good team. You may say, "But they lost the last 2 championship games!" Well guess what? At least we made it to the championship! That's because we have an amazing coach, Mr. Jim Tressel. You don't have to be an Ohio State fan. You can like any team you want, but don't be telling me I shouldn't like my Buckeyes. I will give you the evil eye if you do. And trust me, you don't want that. I want us to be friends. I really do. Unless you're a Michigan fan... Wait, they ARE broadcasting the game now!! Must've been broadcast late though cuz the previous game wasn't over yet. More proof that God loves me.


Stacey Kirchner said...

Alrighty girl. Your letter can be "E" so you can put yourself as numero uno! Welcome to the blogging world.

Mom K said...

Erika, if anyone gives you the evil eye because you're a Buckeye fan - well, let's just say we alumni are capable of doing more than the eye thing. Be careful. Be very careful - (especially if you're a Michigan (gag) fan or a USC fan (even worse).