Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I Win!

Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like I'll be moving to Indiana this fall! Well, technically this summer. I received an email from the head professor at Bloomington giving me "unofficial" notification that the faculty has recommended me for admission into the Masters in Elementary Education program! So while technically it's not official yet, I think it's a pretty done deal. I'm finally going to get out of Utah! Now, I'm not gonna lie, my Utah life hasn't actually been that bad. I've had a lot of good times here. But it's still Utah, haha. I'll finally be moving back to the good ole Midwest. Now, I've gotta admit I'm still scared as heck. It's starting to sink in more and more that I'm leaving my friends and I'll have to start from scratch in Indiana. But, seeing as I've done that before I guess I can do it again. Besides, there's really only a handful of friends in Utah that I'd actually actively stay in touch with- the Jensens, Melanie, and Ben. I have other friends and people I'll talk to, but only a few strong ties. I'll still try to be social and make the most of the summer though. I'll probably be spending a lot of time at Seven Peaks, haha. I'm mostly just glad that things seem to finally be coming together. I remember trying to get into grad school for physiology and that just was not going to work out. Just thinking about it stressed me out and made me feel like I'd never be good at it and I'd be the dumbest person in the program. But with this one, I actually think I can do just as well as anybody else. People I've talked to about me becoming a teacher all think I'd be a good teacher. And I think they genuinely mean it, lol. I get excited about the idea every time on my way to work when I drive by the elementary school. I've had a lot of crazy ideas for my life, but this one actually seems to fit. It's taken longer than expected and a lot of trial and error to figure it out, but hey, better late than never right?


Stacey Kirchner said...

ANYTIME you want to test out your teaching skills, my kids are at your disposal! Speaking of teaching...I need to get on Becca! AHHHHH!!!

Sharon K said...

Love the picture. It's so you.